Friday, May 22, 2015

Twice burned, but did not name an Polyvanyy porcelain biscuit. Homeland porcelain - China. Invented

Depending on the clay and other components of the mass, temperature burning, properties casserole crock, pottery divided into technological subspecies: terracotta, majolica, pottery, porcelain, stone weight (stove) and fireclay.
T e r a t a c o (from Italian. Terracotta - scorched earth) - articles of pottery clay color without any additions firing temperature of about 900 C. Terracotta pot porous, rough, nepolyvanyy easily absorbs water. It can be normal, natural color from light yellow-pink to reddish-brown and dark gray or colored engobes Polyvanyy. Terracotta figurines and tableware known from ancient times. In practice, this first burned ceramics. Used in everyday life (craft) decoration architecture (relief friezes, medallions) and others. With a simple manufacturing techniques works of art of terracotta today in popular folk art among professional and amateur artists.
N and O and l and for a (ital. Maiolica comes from the ancient name of the island of Mallorca, which transit through Italy vvozylasya Spanish-Moorish ceramics) - products made of colored clay, baked porous shards (firing temperature - 900 C). Majolica ware mainly casserole formed on the circuit, rarely cast in molds. They are massive casserole housing and other parts smooth contours silhouette. Engobes decorated by pastel colors with contrast black, brown, red and watering with bright colored gloss. Majolica, like terracotta, took most widely in folk art.
F a c i n (fr. Fa st ence comes from the Italian city of Faenza, which in the XVI century. Extensively casserole exported ceramics) - Polyvanyy products mainly of white, treated with baked clay, solid, finely shards (firing temperature 1200 C ). Make a template of plastics and die forms. Close to pottery products (thin-walled majolica) were known in the Ancient East. However, the most perfect pottery casserole began to produce only the late XVIII century. The most important task of the European medieval pottery - imitate porcelain. It derived its main artistic properties: extraordinary softness and generalized forms (versus porcelain), the wealth of decoration techniques, broad color palette watering. In Ukraine faience production started at the end of the XVIII century.
P o p u l e i n a (f a r f o g) (from the Persian-Arab. Farf ü r - title Chinese emperor, also the name of the field in China) - the most perfect type of ceramic products made of a mixture of high quality white clay and other ingredients. Charred at high temperatures - 1500 C. The ultimate abolition casserole of porcelain pottery - clear white pot has turn white glassy structure, and so the thin places rayed and almost does not absorb water.
Twice burned, but did not name an Polyvanyy porcelain biscuit. Homeland porcelain - China. Invented nearly VI. From the XII century. Chinese porcelain occasionally fell in Europe and has spread actually called porcelain (from Italian. porcello - shell clam). In ancient times, shell was used as vessels for drinking liquids. In Europe porcelain invented in 1709 Y.-F. Bether, and the following year opened the first in Meissen porcelain manufactory European. In Ukraine, porcelain production was initiated at the end of the XVIII century. in factories in Korets, Gorodets Baranivka. casserole
K and m 'I m a n a c a (k and m' i n k a) - ceramics made from tuhoplavnoyi mass that forms dense baked crock (firing temperature casserole 1300 C), partially glassy but not transparent. In China, production began in kam'yanok III., Was a precursor of porcelain. In Europe Kamenka products known from the XV century. Some types of stoneware (clinker, keramit) is not inferior to the hardness of granite, syenite, even steel. Products heaters bordered mostly crystal clear or matte glaze, flat terrain or kontrrelyefom. Heaters marked riches Polyvanyy casserole surface.
W and m o t (from the French. Chamotte - burned refractory clay) - products made of fireclay mass. Clay added to the usual green fireclay different grit (diameter 2-10 mm). As a result, reduced plasticity clay Mr. shrinkage products (firing temperature casserole 900 C). Fireclay products unlocks in plaster molds, decorated with painted by hand, rarely watered. casserole Fireclay casserole products are characterized by sharp kinks shape, rough surface and dribnorelyefnu casserole with lace mesh grooves. Crock color from cream to pale pink. Since the mid XX century. chamotte products (vases, decorative plastic, etc.) have been successfully used in the decoration of interiors and exteriors.
2015 (19) May (4) April (4)

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