Friday, May 22, 2015

Syuzanna Darwin

Syuzanna Darwin
Charles Robert Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, where his father was engaged in medical practice. He was the youngest of two children in the family, and he had three sisters. His mother died when Charles was 8 years old, about it he left no memoirs. Young Charles was unable to school and did not feel any desire to him. In the ninth year he was sent to an elementary school. Here he stayed a year and significantly lagged in the successes of his sister Catherine; next year, Darwin turned elica to Dr. Butler elica High School, where he studied for seven years. However, eight years in Charles were love and concern for nature. He collected plants, minerals, shells, insects, even the press, autographs, coins and the like, early pryzvychayivsya to fishing and spent whole hours with a fishing rod, but especially loved hunting. In 1825, convinced that Charles did not attend school come much persuasion, his father took him out of school elica and sent to Edinburgh University to prepare for a medical career. Lectures seemed unbearably boring. Two years in Edinburgh, Darwin remained. Finally, elica convinced that his son has no inclination to medicine, his father invited him to choose the spiritual field. Darwin thought-thought and agreed in 1828 he entered the Theological Faculty of the University of Cambridge, intending to take the priest. Do it here preserved the former character rather mediocre success elica in school subjects and gleaning collections - insects, birds, minerals, elica as well as hunting, fishing, excursions, observation of animal life. In 1831, Darwin left the university elica among the "many" - so called students elica finished the course satisfactorily, but without any differences. To help make the final selection of Darwin helped botany professor elica John Henslou.Vin ability Darwin noticed and offered him a place in the naturalist expedition to South America. Before departure, Darwin read Charles Lyell labor geologist. Just the book, he took with him on a trip. It was one of the few books that had some meaning in his rozvytku.Layyel, elica a prominent thinker elica of the time, was close in spirit to Darwin. The expedition sailed in 1831 aboard the "Beagle" elica and lasted 5 rokiv.Za this time the researchers visited Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru and the Galapagos Islands - ten rocky islands off the coast of Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean, each of which has its own fauna. In the pampas of South America, he came to the second category of facts that formed elica the basis of evolutionary theory - geological continuity vydiv.Yomu not find many fossils and extinct fauna of this relationship to modern American residents (eg mehateriev of giant sloths, armadillos resources from today eternity), elica immediately caught his eyes. In this expedition Darwin gathered a huge collection of rocks and fossils was herbarium and a collection of stuffed elica animals. He kept a detailed diary of the expedition and later took advantage of many materials and observations made in the expedition. 2 October 1836, Darwin returned from the trip. At the time he was 27 years old. Questions about careers resolved itself without much thought. Not that Darwin believed in his ability to "move science", but think about it there was nothing on his hands were enormous material rich collection, he already had plans future studies, could, without further ado, start working. Darwin and zrobyv.Nastupni twenty years he spent processing the collected materials. Issued they travel blog was a great success. Unpretentious simplicity - his main perevaha.Darvina not be called brilliant stylist, but a love of nature, subtle observation, diversity and breadth of interests of the author redeeming beauty flaws presentation. A few months he lived in Cambridge, and in 1837 moved to London, where he spent five years turning mainly in the circle of scholars. Accustomed to live among free nature, elica he was bored urban life. Especially of the scientists he became close to Lyell and Hooker. Friendship them lasted until the death of Darwin. Hooker helped him a lot with his huge knowledge, finding, in turn, a source of further elica studies in his ideas. Generally, these years were the most active period in the life of Darwin. He was often in society, worked, read, made subject to scientific societies and for three years was honorary secretary of the Geological Society. In 1839 he married his cousin, Miss Amy Wedgwood. Meanwhile his health became weaker and slabkishe.U 1841 he wrote to Lyell "I was bitterly sure that the world belongs to the strong, and that I will not be able to do anything except follow the progress of others in the field of science." Fortunately, these sad premonition elica did not come true, but all the rest of his life was a continuous struggle with the disease. G

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