Saturday, May 30, 2015

i always drink weasel coffee at a vietnamese place near oxford circus. although i usually prefer esp

"My friends came back from Vietnam and all I got was this lousy t-shirt!" Remember those silly souvenir shirts that said that? No really, this is what they brought back for me. I have heard so much about this Kopi Luwak coffee. Some people call it "Cat Crap Coffee" or "Weasel Turd Coffee". This is supposed to be the most expensive and rarest coffee in the world. Oprah did a show on unusual food items and she talked k cups about this rare Java (in disgust, I might add!). Kopi Luwak (pronounced [ˈkopi ˈluwak]) or Civet coffee is coffee made from coffee berries which have been eaten by and passed through the digestive tract of the Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). The civets eat the berries, but the beans inside pass through their system undigested. This process takes place on the islands of Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi in the Indonesian Archipelago, in the Philippines (where k cups the product is called Kape Alamid) and in East Timor (locally called kafé-laku). Vietnam has a similar type of coffee, called weasel coffee, which is made from coffee berries which have been regurgitated by local weasels. In actuality the "weasel" is just the local version of the Asian Palm Civet. (from Wikipedia). Anyway, I hear it is the best coffee you will ever drink, and I love coffee, so whoever k cups or whatever crapped it out or regurgitated the berries, I am looking forward to trying it and will let you know! Wanna come over for a cup o' Joe? (or crap?).
Bluebird NY said...
I love to read your blog! Drinking something that I know was once in something else’s digestive system...That where I must draw the line. Well bottoms k cups up! Can’t wait to read the review January 10, 2009 at 3:47 PM
This is so very "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern"ish of you, Stacey! I would definitely try it! Can't wait to read what you think. (Question -- Since coffee normally inspires a good crap, what will this crappy coffee inspire?!) January 10, 2009 at 4:52 PM
Stacey's Review: OK, so we ground the beans and tasted the coffee this afternoon. It did not taste or smell like poop. In fact, it was delicious. Rich and strong, yet mellow. It was very good. One of the better cups of coffee we have tried, and I brewed it in a Cuisinart crappy drip coffee maker. If you made it in a French press, it would be WOWIE! January 10, 2009 at 10:55 PM
Well, I have been educated. My gawd I want the full run down after your first sip. I'm more amazed that people actually figure this stuff out! Can't wait to hear the outcome. January 11, 2009 at 11:21 AM
I have heard of that coffee before, but I don't know anyone who tried it. I have always wondered if the digestive juices are what makes the flavor of that coffee. k cups I'd be a little afraid to try it, but I'd love to hear from someone who did. January 12, 2009 at 11:42 AM
i always drink weasel coffee at a vietnamese place near oxford circus. although i usually prefer espresso, i always opt for this drip-coffe here because i like its intense aroma of chocolate/hazelnut. very addictive. i wish i knew where to buy it here! January 15, 2009 at 4:14 AM
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Stacey Snacks Summit, New Jersey k cups I am an antiques dealer and appraiser by profession, but am secretly a crazy cook. I am always dreaming of new recipes and dishes while I am sleeping! Since I make too much food, I am always feeding the neighbors. I live about 20 miles from downtown k cups Manhattan, and have access to some great markets and restaurants. Thanks for looking at my weekly recipes and photos, please drop me a line, I would love to hear from you! View my complete profile
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