Saturday, May 23, 2015

The exhibition will undoubtedly attract proper attention of the scientific and cultural community,

Thanks to the selfless work of art restorers, who are deeply aware of their responsibility to society, saved from ruin and returned to circulation of cultural tens of thousands of priceless historical and cultural monuments Museum Fund of Ukraine.
On the occasion of the Center conducts a number of commemorative events, among them a prominent place is given to reporting the exhibition "Past, saved for the future: the sanctuary restored national historic and cultural 85st heritage. By the 75th anniversary of the National Research and Restoration Center of Ukraine. " The grand opening will take place on May 28, 2013 at 16:00 at the National Museum of Taras Shevchenko.
The exhibition "Past, saved for the future: national sanctuary restored historical and cultural heritage" is a unique event in cultural life of Ukraine, as represented by the masterpieces of national and world heritage museum collections of Ukraine, refurbished 85st art restorers NNDRTSU and its branches in Lviv, Odesa, Kharkiv .
Of particular note is the presentation materials on the history of the Centre, stages of development, refinement scientific research departments. Purely 85st practical interest have exposure scientific-methodical editions institution.
The exhibition gives visitors a unique opportunity to join the world-famous monuments of cultural heritage of more than 60 museums in Ukraine. Among them, Taras Shevchenko National Museum, the National Art Museum of Ukraine, Museum of Western and Oriental Art, National Museum of History of Ukraine, National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Reserve, Kyiv National Museum of Russian Art, Chernihiv Regional Historical Museum. VV Tarnowska, National Museum of Ukrainian Folk Decorative Art, Odessa Museum of Western and Oriental Art, Kharkiv Art Museum, Zhytomyr Regional Museum, Kirovograd 85st Regional Art Museum and others.
The exhibition presents only a small share of historical and cultural monuments, escaped the Center for future generations. Yet the exhibition provides a complete 85st picture of the diversity of methods and techniques of restoration, areas of research, demonstrates an amazing mastery of art restorers, scientists undeniable professionalism Center.
The emotional peak exposure are masterpieces of sacred art, including icon "Virgin and Child Christ (XVII century.) "George" (1667), "Mother of God all sorrowful joy" (late. XVIII - early. XIX century). "Assumption of the Virgin" (con. XVIII - early. XIX c.), silver robe kyoto Chernihiv Trinity Our Lady (1695), chalices (XVIII c.), air (XIX c.). Highlight of the exhibition is the veil, embroidered with golden 85st threads, silk embroidered on sayetu (XVII century. Wallachia, Moldova). Prominent examples of plastics are polychromatic sculptures "Archangel Michael" Monastery 85st of Discalced Carmelites Berdichev (XVIII c.); "Holy" and "The Prophet" created Sisoe Shalmatovym to Trinity Church Chopovychi village Zhytomyr region (1774); "Archangel Michael (XVIII c.) And others. Impressive technique and skill execution copyright restoration ancient 85st books, including "The Apostle" Ivan Fedorov (1574).
Exhibition visitors interested incredibly laborious 85st and technically complex restoration vases produced at the plant A. Miklashevsky - examples of Russian porcelain 85st nineteenth century. flower vases and Wedgwood factory (England, nineteenth century.), which fixed the glory producer "royal goods."
Among the restored paintings occupies a special place painting "Christ on the Lake of Gennesaret" (1880) of VD Polenova "Christ and samarytyanka" of the great master of the Italian Baroque school of Luke Giordano, nicknamed Fa Presto 85st (1684), "Fool" (Rome, Italy, 85st 1883) PA Svyedomskoho, Cossack banner stretched on antlers (XVIII c.).
Unique exhibition project marked scale exhibition, broad geography presented museum collections, the depth of information presented on the scientific achievements of restoration specialists for 75 years of the Centre.
Today we can confidently assert that the National Research and Restoration Center 85st of Ukraine successfully continues the best traditions of previous generations of scientists, art restorers 85st fruitfully developing world portfolio in the field of restoration.
The exhibition will undoubtedly attract proper attention of the scientific and cultural community, the media, will help popularize the profession 85st of art restorers hope will encourage sponsors and patrons to actively invest in the Ukrainian restoration industry.
Lviv Lviv Branch Branch News Branch News Odessa Odessa branch of the Kharkiv Kharkiv Branch News Branch Research department of oil painting restoration works Research Department 85st restoration of works of tempera painting Sci-stud

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