Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Almost at the same time the Englishman William Henry Fox Talbot invented another way to obtain phot

Photo (from Greek φώς (φωτός) - light and γράφω - writing) cdmarket - a set of various scientific and technical means and technologies that are designed to image registration unit long objects using light.
Pictures (or pictures) is called the result of the photographic process - image, electronic or received on a particular material, mostly on heavy paper. Collection of photographs called photo albums. cdmarket To play electronic images required equipment cdmarket like a computer with a display or projector.
Once Fabrice table salt mixed with a solution of silver nitrate and got milky white precipitate black from sunlight. Fabricius investigated this phenomenon in his book on metals, published in 1556, said that through the lens image obtained on the surface sediment, cdmarket now known as silver chloride, and this image becomes black or gray, depending on the length of its light sunlight . It was the first experiment in the history of photography. 1727 doctor from Halle Johann Schultz did experiments on a sunny day with a solution of nitrate cdmarket of silver and chalk mixture which he lit in a glass vessel. When the vessel is exposed to sunlight, the surface of the mixture immediately blackened. When shaking the solution became white again. With pieces of paper Schultz received on the surface of the liquid silhouettes, using agitation destroyed them and received new patterns. These original experiments seemed just fun, and it took another hundred years before he noticed a silver chloride guessed property used in the manufacture of photographic cdmarket plates.
astupna page in the history of photography with the name Thomas Wedgwood. He put on paper moistened with a solution of silver nitrate, the leaves of plants. After exposure to the sun covered with leaves of paper remained light, lit as part blackened. The result of this experiment was a white silhouette on a black background. However, these images can be seen only in the light of a candle, because during solar promeninnyam they spoiled. Wedgwood tried to soak solution skin and found that images appear on it soon. 1802 Wedgwood published the results cdmarket of their experiments. Gradually he learned to get outline of the paper, leather and glass, for three minutes - with their exposure to the sun, and in a few hours - with their exposure in the shade. But these photos cdmarket are not kept sunlight (they were not "fixed"). Only John Herschel in 1819 found a substance that reinforcing the image. 1813 for experiments with photographic plates took Nicephore Niepce French artist (fr. Nicephore Niepce), cdmarket which owns most of the credit to the invention of the camera. Around 1816 he came to the idea to obtain images of objects by means of so-called camera obscura. This camera has been known since antiquity. In its simplest form it is a light-tight box with a small hole. If the wall opposite the hole will be of frosted glass, then it goes inverted image of objects that are in front of the camera. The smaller the hole, the sharper the image contours and so it is weaker. Unfortunately, the first image obtained Niepce in 1822, has survived. Therefore, the first ever photograph consider "view from the window," cdmarket he received in 1826 by the camera obscura on tin plate covered with a thin layer of asphalt. The exhibition lasted eight hours in bright sunlight.
1839 Frenchman Louis Jacques Daguerre published method of producing an image on a copper plate covered with silver. After trydtsyatyhvylynnoho exposure Daguerre moved plate to the dark room and held her for a while over heated mercury vapors. As the image fixing Daguerre used table salt. The picture turned out quite high quality - clearly visible detail in both bright field and in the shadows. His method of obtaining photographic image Daguerre called daguerreotype.
Almost at the same time the Englishman William Henry Fox Talbot invented another way to obtain photographic images, which he called calotype. As the media image Talbot used paper impregnated with silver chloride. Talbot received the first-ever negative. Exposure lasted about an hour, on photo - ґratchaste window Talbot House.
In Ukraine, cdmarket the photo came about in the 40's of the 19th century. When Ukraine began to come foreign photographers, participants of the annual international fair of Kiev - "Contracts". Photographers began

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