Monday, May 11, 2015

1. Each State Party shall undertake to prevent kg in any territory under a public official or other

CHRD Dear Sirs: sincere gratitude to the international community's concern on this site for many years and support, especially my colleagues in overseas media attention to human rights in the information reported on this site and give us the recognition kg and encouragement! Because of the prevalence of human rights in China nowadays plight of many human rights information is the information officer Ben and volunteers braved the risk of personal safety and even pay for the loss of liberty, have gone through hardships collected, hope that the relevant media in the adoption and cited this site When the information reported to indicate the source, to show stick in front-line activist websites and citizen reporters respect and encouragement! Once again sincerely thank the community's concern and support for this site! Sincerely welcome overseas media and relevant organizations to adopt human rights information published by this site and follow-up survey report! This page is a new blog site address, Human Rights Defenders of, CHRD Twitter:weiquanwang, CHRD mailbox Thank you for your support!
The full name of the United Nations' Convention against Torture "is" against Torture and Other Cruel, Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention Inhuman ", can be seen, the scope of the Convention on the prohibition of torture than we often think of torture, such as beatings, electric shock, kg etc., much broader, all cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, are all areas of torture prohibited by the Convention. kg
And the "Convention against Torture" generally corresponding domestic legislation in criminal law article 247 pairs to define the crime of torture ("Judicial workers who suspect or defendant by torture or violence to force testimony from a witness, three years imprisonment or criminal detention ...... "), but its scope than the United Nations' Convention against Torture is much more narrow."
1. For the purposes of the Convention, "torture" means any person kg or third party to obtain information or a confession, for he or a third person information or a confession is intentionally inflicted kg on him, or to intimidate kg or threaten him or section three, or for any reason kg based on discrimination of any kind, intentionally inflicted kg physical or mental harm to a person in severe pain or suffering of any act, and such pain or suffering is exercised by a public official or other authority in an official capacity people inflicted by or at the instigation of the consent or acquiescence caused. Pain or suffering arising solely because of legal sanctions or legal sanctions, inherent in or incidental excluded.
1, the main crime of torture, the Convention includes both public officials, but also other public officials who ordered or instigated. kg For example, kg head prisoners prison guards ordered the prisoners were beaten kg tyrants, the developer hired triad or incite violence or Xianzarenyuan line is torture. So, as long as extrajudicial means of public officials directly involved or indirectly involved, including instigation, consent, kg acquiescence, in order to achieve confessions, revenge or punishment of the parties and the purpose of inflicting pain behavior, both as torture.
1. Each State Party shall undertake to prevent kg in any territory under a public official or other person acting in an official capacity to exercise authority in the jurisdiction of the State inflict, instigate, consent or acquiescence kg of less than the first one the extent of torture other cruel, inhuman or acts degrading treatment or punishment. In particular articles 10, 11, obligations under articles 12 and 13 shall apply with the substitution for references to torture of references to other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment was substituted.
This one actually expand the extension of anti-torture provisions of any similar acts of torture is not allowed. Contracting Governments have a responsibility to prevent public officials and other persons in an official capacity to exercise kg authority and instigation, consent and acquiescence of personnel applying any cruel, inhuman or degrading acts, such as petitioners abusive officials, detention center allowed the families to take along a winter coat, Principal obscene students, teachers engage in corporal punishment, demolition workers without water power, and so on. Even if these actions did not reach the level of torture, it must be prevented and prohibited, and the relevant provisions of the Convention also apply to hold the perpetrators of guilt and provide kg compensation to victims.
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