Sunday, May 3, 2015

The spirit on Earth has been visited hurjaksi! Wild Planet blog WWF Finland

Wild Planet Archive Biogas to facilitate pizza stone everyday life in Nepal
The spirit on Earth has been visited hurjaksi! Wild Planet blog WWF Finland's staff commented on current environmental pizza stone themes, and tell the WWF's latest news. Keywords Borneo Earth Hour Ecological Footprint pizza stone Lifestyle Energy Himalayas People Climate Negotiations Climate change Climate policy Baltic Sea Copenhagen Developing Countries Development Cooperation Consumption Children Nature Natural resources Forest Deforestation Forest Conservation Nepal Rain Forest Saimaa pizza stone ringed seal Operating Endangered species Responsibility Video Environmental Education Companies Latest comments markku: the ruining of the cottage landscape (Veikko advice) Nike Air Max R4 Sko: Five ringed seals and I Air Jordan 23: Five ringed seals, and I Air Max Thea Mann: Five ringed seals, and I Nike Air Max 90 Hyperfuse: Five ringed seals, and I will search Writers Alexandra Antell Anne Brax Antti Haavisto pizza stone Elina Erkkilä Essi Aarnio-Linnanvuori pizza stone Hanna Seimola Hanna-Liisa Fabric Jari Luukkonen Jussi Nikula Kaisa Katja Räsänen Nuorvala Katja Rönkkö Jim Leape Maija Kaukonen pizza stone Maiju Sirviö, Matti Ovaskainen Mira Hannuksela Päivi Larikko Panu Kunttu Petteri Tolvanen Sami Tornikoski Sampsa Sampsa pizza stone Kiianmaa Vilhunen Tanja Pirinen Vanessa Ryan Star Guest - variable by former WWF playing field
I got to know in the spring kenttähankkeisiimme Nepal. In particular, I was impressed by one of the metsiensuojeluhankkeemme, one part of which will support the construction of biogas units in the clay villages. The project pizza stone is an excellent pizza stone example of how forests by protecting at the same time contribute to the well-being of local populations.
All luonnonsuojeluhankkeidemme ultimate objectives of supporting the WWF's pizza stone vision: a world where people and nature live in harmony with each other. Protection of biodiversity is often understood narrowly just a matter of nature. However, biodiversity and human well-being are closely linked to each other. pizza stone Improving the quality of life and prosperity are the key ways to halt the depletion of natural resources.
Nepal's rural areas, households in need of wood on developing my food. The need for wood is not small, because the Nepalese population density is 184 / km2. Responsible for Finland, the figure is 15.82. The use of biogas significantly reduces the need for firewood and thus contributing pizza stone to forest pizza stone conservation opportunities. Biogas will also improve household hygiene and to reduce odors. Work cookers have eased, especially the lives of women and children from biogas. The longer they do not need to carry firewood over long distances to get to the forest, where they are exposed to wild animal attacks. Food prepared can hardly start a scratch of a match. One person told the mother that her her husband is enthusiastic about cooking, as it is now so easy.
Biogas units operating principle is simple: manure and human waste are controlled on the concrete tank where it is mixed with water. Methane thus formed is controlled by pipelines kitchens. The project enable households built new toilets and kitchens installed operating biogas stoves. Jim Leape / WWF
Impressive also had many children mothers heat when they proudly presented their newly refurbished keittonurkkauksiaan and at the same time showed his gratitude by WWF for the work. It's great to know that at this very moment in Nepalese villages clay multi mother of the family is enjoying the WWF achieved with the support of the increase in well-being, and at the same time the future of the forest in the foothills of the Himalayas is secured. This is all possible assistance granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and our sponsors pizza stone allows - together with our partners in WWF's vision can become a reality!
You too can facilitate the daily life of Nepalese families and participate in the work of nature in the foothills of the Himalayas by the WWF for a donation. Construction of biogas stoves also reduce pizza stone carbon dioxide emissions and mitigate climate change. Replacement of the need for one Nepalese family firewood biogas-oven costs about 300 euros. Every donation is important!
This article was published on Thursday, June 24, 2010 at 14.02 and is filed under WWF. You can follow any responses to this entry RSS 2.0 feed form. You can write an answer, or send a trackback from your own site. Leave a Reply

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