Saturday, May 24, 2014

The mayor Cornel Resmeriţă I approached and subsequently

Yes. There was one moment in the career, and many individuals are very interested weber grill in the newspaper that I lead disappear, it may be that my business to crack. That was in August 2008 when we launched weber grill the newspaper Jiu Valley. Now, even with the hard times we live (in economic terms) I do not think much else can go wrong. I look just fine. So survive.
Yes. But that does not mean that all media have in the back by a politician. We have, though no one believes us. I've been over the last three years, position of some and others ba next PSD ba next PNL. Simota ba, ba Resmeriţă, Moloţ ba, ba Buhăescu. UDMR head never got anyone to say that I have, but it's not time wasted. We have a politician in the back and we do not need. But that does not mean that we support those who have asked for help. Help sell advertising space, election advertising as needed, but try not to sell and consciousness. So far, I say we succeeded.
Jiu Valley - poor area? Kidding. Do we have these in Vale, a habit. We prefer to complain in place to help ourselves. weber grill Some have realized that fate belongs, and not always expect weber grill the mercy of the authorities. Others have not yet understood. That's why we are perceived, unfairly, as a poor county. When, in fact, some of us are just lazy county. Jiu Valley - poor area? Let's count luxury cars, chalets, shops and supermarkets expensive clothes ... We're weber grill good, so money in Vale. Neither more nor less than that in other areas. Jiu Valley - poor area? Valley not at all different weber grill from the rest of Romania. Who wants to work, no money. Who does not find job training measure, is shifting. Who wants can. I consider myself a living example. That's the secret: I work, therefore I am! Plus: working, so resist!
No! As is seen from Deva? I can only give you an example my part. When driving "Gazeta weber grill Jiu Valley" and things went well from all points of view, my colleagues it seemed tempting to take my place. They feel that they, not the team, it makes success. Time has proven otherwise. In fixed three years took her head. And a couple of weeks, do not even appear. Now I can not thank them. They did great good. I'm on my feet and I have mogul industrialist bugging me all day. In other news, discord that occurs only when some want to be leaders at all cost and do not understand that a function weber grill is not only benefits but also responsibilities. They knocked responsibilities. Time, beating blame him!, Proved.
Everyone. There is, fortunately, a master of Jiu Valley. Strict fields, but I think there are a few gentlemen who set the tone, the exact time trend. Be it travel, road or ... politics.
Yes. And I often complains that I can handle. That we better market while others starve. Secret roundly one: work and work, diversified. Not only do newspaper. We do indoor and outdoor advertising, commerce (including online) weber grill and mediation. If you do not brag, does not mean we are stupid. "Victims" of our articles criticize me all kinds of games, few are willing to read only the truth and not to seek Musa all sorts of explanations for the appearance of an article or another. The world is sick of spies. If you write for a goalie that's stupid, not thinking that it may, however, even stupid. He is thinking weber grill that surely someone paid the newspaper to be denigrated and take his place. So it is with politicians. Some are really stupid, but do not seek means. But, again and again, sorry.
Well I had. That if I had money, and I trust the press. Paper I started with the team from the Jiu Valley Gazette, which left 90% of the newspaper with me Jiu Valley, and with money from a loan taken from Petrila CAR. Soon came after us and advertisers, mostly. On TV and Kapital Kapital FM are only administrator. I run a media. But only have Jiu Valley newspaper.
Banal. We are taxes to date, so I could and can participate in auctions organized by the state advertising. Those who did not have as a primary care debts to the state, are now bound hand and foot because they can not ensure the existence of the media organs. And lack of concern, ask questions about their neighbor's goat.
Not applicable. I worked in election campaigns over time for many politicians across eşicherul. But failed to get any closer. No I'm not too passionate about politics, but at the professional level. Not so much as to get close to someone.
The mayor Cornel Resmeriţă I approached and subsequently

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