Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Suppose that one of the products is the shoe of my left foot. Setup your lights and you have to hig

Product hb Photography: Shoes - F64 Blog
June 1, 2012 8381 3 Comments http% 3A% 2F% 2Fblog% 2F2012% 2F06% 2F01% 2Ffotografie-of-product-shoes% 2F Photo + of + items% 3A + Shoes 2012-06-01 +07% 3A55% 3A23 + Stefan Popescu http% 3A% 2F% 2Fblog% 2F% 3Fp% 3D8381% by Stefan Popescu
Last night I reviewed the articles written by me on this blog, and found that it made little dust on the photo about the product, otherwise topic of interest for many of the clients who come into the studio to store F64.
In the photo catalog, unfortunately, the art has not bought a ticket, and any brochure said the supermarket will come true. Specialized photographer is nothing more than a technician's hb job is to present the product in a manner as descriptive, yet favorable.
A known shoe store will launch online and wants to present hb products in a unified way, which is why the pictures are manufacturers does not help. Like perfectly white background and state the same point all over a thousand products. Of course they are late, and the budget is already outdated.
The large number of products, limited budget and short deadline does not allow extensive processing in Photoshop, so you have to take the shortcut. hb Where possible we will try to get the final picture directly hb from the camera. The camera will be slightly dark objects, which we group and we will shoot separately.
Suppose that one of the products is the shoe of my left foot. Setup your lights and you have to highlight both volumetric and different nature of the materials used. Personally I find it easier to highlight the shape of the object from back to front, so sit first light, a flash of 66cm softbox on the left side, the role of light contour.
A second light source from above, all of 66cm softbox, I continue over the shoe's highlight. Power I set it to a stop under light contour to suggest three dimensions, the difference in exposure.
The shape is well defined, but not the texture. I'll use that patent leather reflective, unlike suede, and sit on the right side panel reflector white mousse. Light brought back to it is two stops under light contour, establishing a balanced final report of 3:2:1.
Panel partially reflected into the lens of the irregular shape of the shoe, so I sat in completing a second hb panel. Once the setup of lights, with site colorchecker I'll create a color profile of the camera, essential for accurate color representation as the product.
Dark allowed hb me to overexpose the background without losing details on the product. White background getting in my spare room work in postprocessing, but unfortunately the method can not be applied hb to white goods. Photography of the latter will be the subject of a future article.
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8381 3 Responses http% 3A% 2F% 2Fblog% 2F2012% 2F06% 2F01% 2Ffotografie-of-product-shoes% 2F Photo + of + product +% 3A +07% 3A55 Shoes 2012-06-01 Stefan Popescu 3A23% + http% 3A% 2F% 2Fblog% 2F% 3Fp% 3D8381% to "Photo of product: footwear" hb
Interesting article. I beat myself over the head to get rid of hard work in photoshop.
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