Saturday, April 26, 2014

- We have probably always been concerned that there should be system. But it was especially importa

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PHOTO: Stig B. Hansen
Totally while they did not, they were taken out of mommy's belly in one minute intervals. First came Thomas, come Mathias, pacific sales Anna and Philip. Thomas has fun because he is the eldest and the order has followed them for the most part. Do "all" firlingekull
"They live in Bergen, the family we bought the stroller, the last firlingvognen as SIMO produced, and the family, with the children, pacific sales they live in Tønsberg, and those we meet in the course of the year."
Over the kitchen table hangs a whiteboard. It is updated daily. "Monday: Approx. 16 graded arrives. 19 00, M + F + J + dad training, "it pacific sales says. It's mom who update the list. It is written in English pacific sales language exercising sake. On weekends and holidays, says the Norwegian. Mom Kathryn include translator, she works slightly pacific sales reduced and is mostly home by 14 o'clock. Panties labeled
We visit one day just before Easter. There are pasta, minced meat and gravy on the menu, a dinner everyone enjoys. After the meal, there is a small break with PC games before half of the family going out and playing football. Football equipment is clearly one floor below.
- We have probably always been concerned that there should be system. But it was especially important pacific sales with four small. When replacing four infants in the middle of the night you can not start looking for cloth, says Mom.
Even the wedding was clear that Kathryn and Earl Chin-Steffensen wanted many children. First came Jacob. So it took a couple of years and it did not materialize with number two. Kathryn got tiny little hormone stimulation boost. - Nothing wrong, but four!
At no time were the parents worried that someone was going to go wrong. Not even when the contractions started 14 weeks before term. In a hurry Kathrine was admitted to the hospital. She got syringes so that the baby's lungs were mature. That it should come three boys and a girl, they were aware of. The names provided in the stomach
- We knew where the girl was lying, so it was okay to give her name. Philip was the first name we chose, and we gave him lying in the upper abdomen. Then Thomas and Mathias both lying at the bottom - ready to come out! When did we did remember the first came, Thomas and so on, her mother says.
After three months in hospital in Fredrikstad came all the flock home to big brother at Skyline. The house was marked by childbirth. Baby bottles and diapers took place in kitchens and bathrooms. And the room was crafted an enormous playpen which was padded with red rubber mats.
- Thomas always woke up first. Then it was about to do to him before he woke the others. So woke Mathias. He was starving and had to get food immediately. Secondly, it was Philip who were having food. Anna woke always last, and she lay in bed and looked astonished, just as she wondered if someone came to pick her up soon.
The four are as different today. Philip and Mathias plays football, so does James. Anna is most concerned about hiphop in their spare time, while Thomas for several years has been committed to create their own cartoons.
There has been so much talk about the "fourfold" home. Early began talking about the "kids" instead. Child care personnel chuckled when little Jacob in three or four years prostrating when mom and siblings came to fetch him, and he squatted down and cried, "Oh, where are my children."
As early as kindergarten, the four divided in two different a

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