Sunday, January 12, 2014

National Criminal Agency (NAKA) arrested him at his home Sokolovce. The special prosecutor for him

Piestany CID boss should work with the criminal group |
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National Criminal Agency (NAKA) arrested him at his home Sokolovce. The special prosecutor for him and other detainees bond calls and calls to known entrepreneurs blenders who have faced mafia.
"National Criminal Agency shattered blenders criminal group that operated in the western and central Slovakia. Cops accused 12 people from seven works, among them one policeman falling on Crime Scene, "a spokeswoman for the Police Presidium Andrea Dobiášová.
The event took place in her words Tuesday in the early hours in Piestany, Trnava, Hlohovci, Martin, Trencin and the United Krtíš. Suddenly it was attended by 150 police officers. Arrested nine persons out of twelve. After one person to alerts and the remaining two are in custody for another crime.
According to police information, detention perpetrated violent and economic blenders crime as a criminal group. It should commit at least since 2010. Thus be enriched by hundreds of thousands of euros. "The policeman, who at the time worked at the department of criminal police, abused his powers and in violation of the law should inform the other group members on the details of the investigation in the criminal case," said a spokeswoman.
Investigator NAKA all 12 persons accused of offenses blenders based plotting and supporting a criminal group, extortion, robbery, insurance blenders fraud and damage to someone else. The policeman is also accused of violating of power. To eight people on a proposal drafted pre-trial. They face imprisonment for five to ten 15 to 25 years (correction based on additional information from the spokesperson).
Just enough to do, now I need to take them seriously blenders when they will give me a fine and I want to check my documents? It's funny to me that's just people poucali about what is right. vladoPN wrote: 04 July 2013 at 12:15
so if someone is blackmailing entrepreneurs three years he faces 5 to 10 years, if someone caught with marijuana 10gramami me sazdbu 10-15. Christ where we live? hentakeho Graz informed what mobsters on witnesses, etc. would no longer let the bass ... Sancho wrote: 04 July 2013 at 12:16
Johan, I do not think that the collection of fines is the biggest blenders problem the city / state anyway, if not break the law, fine, do not worry - why not teach logic in schools? pipi wrote: 04 July 2013 about 12:27
CID boss certainly does not make anyone a fine. Milanko gave information only. Pity it is not where it should go. Probably coming from CA and still receive blenders a retirement pension! Sancho wrote: 04 July 2013 o 12:34
people. . . Koli takimto fool, and such as wish well to cram cams we have the rest of us suffer? ? ? No nation can only be ashamed unlawful to make such a villain. . Surprised the people who go to live abroad! And they do well, because Takito only fools and rascals rob druhìch! , Thanks Peter wrote: 04 July 2013 about 14:42
Once again, in contact with the police pridem only if you equip documents, register the car, or receives a fine, hand on heart who still did not get it. The police have a word deterrent, but unfortunately in such Causes so never nedude. sage wrote: 04 July 2013 about 15:31
Oh, great. Finally you clean the dirt in their ranks. Must first be purified own advice and can afford to attack the politicians. Congratulations to the policeman courage and determination of their arrest. blenders If only the right was more. Jonas wrote: 04 July 2013 about 16:02
need to clean this whole augiasov shed by top politicians and never loo down the function and do not need to go far in our country they have enough and on the other hand on your heart if you were to choose how many steers you yourself get into office Members blenders of the Municipal regional or parliamentary? rams we're all too well because I was chosen it en ny world ..... A lack of justice there Matej wrote: 04 July 2013 o 22:49
hurray, finally the lady pohli.konečne the floor and in our own 'radoch.ešteže blenders rozhupal the incident in Bohemia to Us USA kicked about doing something podobne.vela success of such shares and 100Pro učinkom.zlomte the criminally SINDIKAT once and for all! Keny wrote: 04 July 2013 about 23:23
Once upon a time I had to do with that boss dubbed a slice and I remember did not even know if that was still to write on the machine, half-wit, I know that the current counsel of the police laughed at him, Jake Truby have the boss Matus wrote: 05 July 2013 about 8:35
For the moment let him go, d

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