Thursday, January 23, 2014

All this for three hours 9tej o

Slovakia - Drink or not to drink?! That is the question. Giving you a drink at Easter is kind of a tradition with us. No problem if you are not going behind the wheel. Slovak police have already left earlier this week to hear that during the holidays to increase road checks and their main weapon will wind meters. Some speculators are inventing ways to enjoy alcohol in the breath to measure yourself. miu We examined whether it works.
"I would not recommend miu relying on these calculations, because every organism that processes the alcohol completely differently," said Dr. haematological. Mary Grullingová. Interactive calculations and estimates miu may not be accurate. Marek was tasked to drink 4 glasses of white wine and hard liquor Juraj again. miu The card is then turned
All this for three hours 9tej o'clock in the evening. After the first glass of white wine Marek measured a 0.7 per thousand, while Juraj inflates 0.1 per mille. Initially the wine inflate more than hardwood. But then the pendulum has swung back.
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Related Articles I drink, drink, drink. At Easter the children partake inflate or bloated? Test yourself with Šoférka police policeman went to pass driver's license. Inflated over 4 per mille! Newspapers reporting application JOJ for iPhone HERE. FREE.

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