Friday, January 2, 2015

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The state will stimulate y78 eco energy from water and biomass
Christmas holidays are always slightly dark for investors in renewable energy. At the end of 2009, the Minister of Environment Nona Karadjova spoke for a moratorium on new instalatsii until made a plan for the development of green energy. A year later, although the plan was already in place, the National Electricity Company (NEC) announced that it will not accede green plants until a new portfolio law. This year's New Year holidays will be the most joyful sector. They will go amid speculation what this time the government is prepared as adjustments in legislation. The current law on renewable energy (ZEVI) y78 adopted y78 in the spring, I had to sort out the real from speculative projects for wind, solar and other renewable energy parks. For this purpose, entrepreneurs y78 had to pay serious guarantees for each megawatt power who want to connect to the network. Authors ZEVI obviously underestimated the serious intentions of green business, since only six months y78 later again spoke of the need for new legal restrictions. According to representatives of the sector there are at least two types of changes y78 that have not yet taken the form of an official document. The key, however, is unclear. Another change y78 brings consecutive uncertainty in the sector. It comes at a time when the country must now prove to Brussels that meets the objectives for the development of green energy. Constant changes do not give a major opportunity to advance the projects, nor clarity ecoenergy how we produce and use in households, industry and transport. For the latest regulatory news still no official statements. Namely how many projects are paid guarantees and signed preliminary or final contracts, what are the plans for the development of networks in the next 10 years, and is it possible their capacity to be insufficient for their production of wind and solar electricity. Capacity questionable y78 spokesman for repairs at the time turns Valentin Nikolov (GERB), deputy chairman of the parliamentary economic y78 committee. In his words, "there are now advances for a total of 4,700 megawatts of renewable energy projects with preliminary and final accession treaties. In front of" Capital ", it refers to data from the Ministry of Economy, presented at the end of September. How much green plants can tolerate energy system without problems is at the heart of disputes between businesses and politicians for several years. In September Dimitar Vlahov of Electricity System Operator (ESO), a subsidiary of NEC announced that the transmission network of the state-owned y78 company can hold up to 1,800 megawatts of wind capacity 800 MW of solar parks and 300 MW of biomass installations, without y78 leading to a collapse in the system. "If you join all you can to ensure the purchase of all energy, as by law," said Valentin y78 Nikolov. y78 "The market is limited ground that will crash the network if all join at the same time, which can not happen, "countered did Nikola Gazdov, Chairman of Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association. Of businesses believe that once again plays the notion of state institutions that the market y78 has to adjust to the network, not she him. The current law provides connection after the regulator announced what free network capacity next year. According to the bill, which "Capital" has, connecting the plant to the grid NEK and ESO and three regional distribution companies will now become a schedule defined by the NEC ... and three supplier of electricity. If amendments whose authorship is not officially fathered either by the Ministry of Economy or the parliamentary group of GERB take effect, the network operator will offer date to connect each site. If the entrepreneur is not satisfied with the proposal, get the contribution back. The amendment stipulates that the connection will follow the plans for the development of networks and will be under signed contracts. But actually there is no guarantee that the process will run just as well if not open corruption niche. How green Besides a clear answer to the question what is the capacity of the network and how it can be developed it is necessary and accurate information on what green power now and how many queries. Regulations for business RES never dumb

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