Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Xiamen University, third-party login:

1 The proportion of each blood type, the index of A, rate B, constitute foreman more than C, dynamic series D, recycle ratio E, the relative ratio of 2. Which of the following statements is correct A, larger, s larger B, the greater the , s smaller C, s larger, foreman for better representation of the value of the variable D, s smaller, and the overall foreman mean distance greater E, s smaller, representative of the values of the variables as possible 3. Two important features of the frequency distribution of the A, general and sample B, the overall mean and the sample mean C, parameters and statistics D, the overall standard deviation and sample standard deviation E, central tendency and dispersion trends 4. averages represent a value of the variable nature of the same group of A, discrete trend B, the distribution of C, the central tendency of D, the accuracy of E, accuracy 5. describe the average level of the normal distribution of information, which should be selected indicators A, the arithmetic mean of B, geometric The following are a few C, percentiles D, interquartile E, median 6 normal curve, on the horizontal axis, from the mean μ to μ-1.96σ area of A, 95% B, 45 % C, 97.5% D, 47.5% E, not sure (about the size of a standard deviation) 7. describe the variability of the normal distribution of information, which means that A is better Which of the following indicators, all from B, standard deviation C, variance D, coefficient of variation of E, interquartile 8. calculate an average antibody titer general should choose A, the arithmetic mean of B, the geometric mean C, median foreman D, percentile E, poor . want to represent a class 9 students constitute more than a year in an area of the various causes of death can be drawn:. A, chart B, histogram C, the percentage foreman bar graph or circle diagram D, statistical maps E, section 10 when the original When the data distribution is unknown, describe its central foreman tendency should be A. Geometric mean average number of reasonable use reasonable B. C. D. with a reasonable median median and mean with all reasonable E. geometric mean and median foreman are reasonable 11. Probability is a numerical description of the size of the possibility of random events, which of the following description of the probability is wrong A, the size value between 0 and B 1, when n is sufficiently large sample size, we have reason to approximate the probability of frequency C, the probability of the event is bound to 1 D, its value must be a Statistics obtained corresponding probability distribution table E, the probability of random events occurring less than 0.05 or 0.01, you can think it can not happen in a sample of 12 To infer from the overall sample, the sample should be general in A, any part of the B , a typical part C, a valuable part of a meaningful part D E, a representative portion 13 may calculate the mean of the following kind of data A, no precise numerical data end group B, equal or unequal distance C, the data distribution symmetry D, data were positively skewed foreman distribution E, the data were negatively skewed distribution foreman 14. comparative mortality of a disease in a certain place of four, it is desirable to draw A, common chart B, semi-logarithmic graph C, histograms D, the percentage column chart E, Column Chart 15 To reflect changes in a city for five consecutive years the incidence of hepatitis A, should choose foreman A, column chart B, histogram C, line graph D, the percentage column foreman chart E, Scatter 16. statistical tables and charts on the requirements of the title is A, both heading in the bottom B, both are at the top of the title C, can be arbitrarily set position D, Table title at the top, charts The title at the bottom of E, Table title at the bottom, the top of the chart title in 17 male incidence of leukemia is two times higher than women, the index A, the relative ratio B, fixed base than C, the constituent ratio D, the prevalence of E, the standardized prevalence of 18. statistically foreman said in general refers to the A, B arbitrary imagine all the research object, the whole purpose of C determined according to the study subjects, according to the division of all time D object of study, divided according to population studies E all objects, according to the geographical area of all 19 research subjects. commonly used in the evaluation or prognosis of cancer and other indicators of treatment effect is A, the survival rate B, mortality C, the cure rate D, efficient E, life expectancy at 20 With regard to the use of relatively few matters should be noted that the following description is wrong item A, the relative number of each index can not be greater than 100% B, do not constitute as a ratio to analyze than C, compare the difference between the rate should be comparable foreman D, the denominator should not be too small relative to the number of E, or principles constitute the sample rate than the comparison should follow a random sample of 21 For the mean of μ, σ is the standard deviation of the normal distribution, 95% of the value of the variable distribution of A. μ-σ ~ μ + σ B. μ-1.96σ ~ μ +1.96 σ C. μ-2.58σ ~ μ +2.58 σ D. - ~ μ +1.96 σ E. 0 ~ μ +1.96 σ 22 on the list of required tables, the following is false A. The title should be written in the table. the upper end, a brief description of the contents of the table heading B. Wang is the research object, the column to the right of the table; longitudinal analysis indicators heading foreman is listed in the table on the left side of the main lines of C. top line, bottom line and vertical headings below horizontal, not vertical slash and D. digital right justified, consistent with the same index number of decimal places, should not have the table space E. Note with "*" marked, written in the following Table 23. Which of the following indicators the relative ratio of A, mean B, the median C, the coefficient of variation D, geometric mean E, standard deviation 24. describe central foreman tendency indicator is A, mean B, poor C, the coefficient of variation D, the variance of E, standard deviation 25, the probability of unlikely events as A, P = 0 B, P = 1 C, P 0.05 D, P 0.01 E, None of the above 26. Which of the following statements is correct A, larger, s more Big B, bigger, s smaller C, s larger, representative values for each variable better D, s smaller, foreman and the greater the distance from the overall mean E, s smaller, representative of the value of each variable better resistance 27. the normal curve, foreman on the horizontal axis, from the mean μ to μ-1.96σ area of A, 95% B, 45% C, 97.5% D, 47.5% E, can not be determined (with standard deviation The size of the) 28 The following are the kind of data to calculate the number of A, no precise numerical foreman data end group B, at equal or unequal C, data distribution symmetry D, data were positively foreman skewed distribution E, the data were negatively skewed distribution 29 . averages represent foreman a set of values of the same variable nature of A, discrete trend B, the distribution of C, the central tendency of D, the accuracy of E, accuracy 30. describe the average skewed distribution of information, which should be selected indicators A, arithmetic average number of B, the geometric mean C, percentiles D, interquartile E, median 31. calculate an average antibody foreman titer, foreman generally should choose A, the arithmetic mean of B, the geometric mean C median D, percentile E, poor 32. describe the degree of variation of the distribution of information, which means that A is better Which of the following indicators, all from B, standard deviation C, variance D, coefficient of variation E, four quantile spacing 33 when the original data distribution is unknown, describe foreman its central tendency should be A. Geometric mean average number of reasonable use reasonable B. C. D. with a reasonable median median and mean with all reasonable E. geometric mean and median are reasonable 34. Two important characteristics of the frequency distribution foreman is A, general and sample B, the overall mean and sample mean C, parameters and statistics D, the overall standard foreman deviation and sample standard deviation E, central foreman tendency and dispersion trends 35. Statistics said in general refers to all B A, any imagined foreman object of study, according to a study to determine the purpose of all C object foreman of study, according to the division of the whole D object foreman of study time, according to the population of all the E division foreman of subjects, according to the geographical location of all 36 research subjects. probability of a random event is to describe the possibility of numerical size, Which of the following descriptions of the probability of error is A, the magnitude of the value between 0 and B 1, when n is sufficiently large sample size, it is reasonable to approximate the probability of the frequency C, the probability of occurrence of certain event 1 D , its value must be obtained from a statistical probability distribution table corresponding to the amount of E, the probability of random events occurring less than 0.05 or 0.01, you can think it can not happen in a sample of 37 in order to infer from the overall sample, the sample should be population A, any part B, a typical part C, a valuable part of a meaningful part D E, a portion 38 of a representative composition ratio in a region to be indicated in a variety of causes of death, can be drawn:. A, line Figure B, histogram C, the percentage bar graph or circle diagram D, statistical maps E, of Figure 39. Comparison of a four-year mortality of the disease somewhere, it is desirable to draw A, common chart B, half of the number of lines Figure C, histogram D, the percentage column chart E, Column Chart 40 To reflect changes in the city in five consecutive years, the incidence of hepatitis A, should choose A, column chart B, histogram C, line graph D, percentile column chart E, Scatter 41. heading for tables and charts requirement is B, both heading foreman in the bottom B, both are at the top of the title C, can be arbitrarily set position E, Table title at the top, at the bottom of the chart title E, Table title at the bottom, the top 42 chart titles in male lung cancer incidence rate is 10 times higher than women, the index A, the relative ratio B, fixed base than C, the constituent ratio D, popular rate E, the standardized prevalence. proportion of students in a class all blood types 43, the index of A, the incidence of B, the constituent ratio of C, the standardized incidence ratio D, the standardized incidence rate E, the relative ratio of 44. commonly foreman used in for chronic diseases, cancer and other treatment or prognosis evaluation indicators are A, survival B, mortality C, the cure rate D, efficient E, the life expectancy of 45. matters relating to the use of relatively few should be noted that, following the entry description is wrong A, the relative number of each index can not be greater than 100% B, do not constitute a ratio as to analyze the differences have comparable rates of D C, compare rates, calculate the denominator should not be too small relative to the number of E, the sample foreman Compare rates or constitute a random sample should follow the principle of fill in the blank ratio: 1 common indicators relative number ___________, __________, __________. 2 commonly used indicator reflects the level of disease there is ______________, ______________. 3 represents the central tendency indicator is ________________, including ______________________, ________________. 4 basic steps of statistical work, including ________________, __________________, _________________________________; period most critical step yes. 5 describes foreman the commonly used discrete trend indicators ___________, __________, __________,; its corresponding symbol is represented _________, _________, _________. 6 basic steps of statistical work, including ________________, __________________, _________________________________; period most critical step yes. 7 There is a sample survey methods ________________, foreman ______________________, ________________. 8 commonly used indicator to reflect the degree of harm disease has ______________, ______________. 9. Growth rate> 100%, indicating that ______________. 10 Commonly used relatively few have _______________, ________________, ________________. 11 statistical inference, including ______________, ______________. 12, in the range of probability. .... sample error probability 3 4 5 Overall median probability 6 7 8 mean dynamic series short answer: 1 What is sampling error? Whether sampling error can be avoided? 2 months in a clinic foreman a total of 20 patients were cured, midterm children under 10, accounting for 50%; aged 2, 10%; aged 8, accounting for 40%, the conclusion is: "The clinic for treatment of patients with the most children good, "Do you agree? Say why. (5 points) 3 of a doctor with a drug treatment of four cases of gastritis patients were cured, the conclusion is:. "Drug for patients with pneumonia cure rate was 100%, and worthy of promotion," Do you agree? Say why. 4 In a great sample size, the group tends to 0 at the top of the straight side of the connection each constitute a curve, foreman the curve is what terms? The area under the curve is what is the significance? (2 points) 5 2 nurse my school classes are girls, a class of 52 people, the average weight of 47kg; 2 classes of 61 people, the average weight of 50kg; ask For weight compared to the situation two classes foreman of students, foreman the need to make significant foreman Inspection? 6 Our school nurse two classes taught by the same teachers in the same course, a class of 57 people, eight people fail; 2 classes of 61 people, nine failed, the variance of the results of two similar classes, ask For two classes and whether there are differences in the level fail, the need to make significant test? (5 points) Question: 1.2008 average foreman number of 300 employees in a factory, according to the infirmary report, a total of 100 person years of influenza occur, December participate in the examination number 250, a total of 10 people with hypertension; ask the plant's annual incidence of influenza and the prevalence of hypertension in December. (8 points) 2 province Statistics 2007 population of the province in early 5000 million population of 45 million in December, the annual new-onset lung cancer by 200 people; Please calculate the incidence of lung cancer in 2007 in the province. (5 points) 3. Distribution is known a place 120 normal 12-year-old boy was tall approximate normal distribution, mean of 144.00cm, the standard deviation of 5.77cm, Estimate) 12-year-old boy in the crowd height of 95 % of the normal range and overall mean of 95% confidence interval. (5 points)
Xiamen University, third-party login:

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