Monday, July 14, 2014

Steamed Chinese Medical University in July 2014 exam

Steamed Chinese Medical University in July 2014 exam "Medical Statistics" short answer multiple choice mokka questions test class to determine a question of subjective mokka fill in the blank essay questions, multiple choice (a total of 10 questions, 10 minutes) 1. When t0. 05/2 <t时,则事后概率为: A.'P> 0.05 B. P <0.05 C. P = 0.05 D. P> 0.01 E. P <0.01 -------- --------- Select:. B 2 approximate normal distribution data available () describes its central tendency. A. B. interquartile mean percentile C. D. E. geometric mean coefficient of variation ----------------- Select:. B 3 a place random sample of 200 normal adults, serum cholesterol were measured obtaining the number of 3.64mmol / L, the standard deviation of 1.20mmol / L, the serum cholesterol to normal adult mean the two-sided 95% confidence interval ( ) mmol / L. A. 5.99,1.29 B. 1.29,5.99 C. 3.47,3.81 D. 3.50,3.78 E. 3.78,3.50 ----------------- Select:. C 4 in the sample study , the standard error of the mean estimate of: A. large B. ratio than the standard deviation mean and standard deviation equal to the big C. D. E. unrelated small standard deviation and standard deviation ratio ---------- ------- Select:. D 5 aspect ratio of the chart axes generally () is appropriate. A. 3:5 B. 5:3 C. 5:6 D. 7:5 E. 6:4 ----------------- Select:. D 6 standard normal distribution can be denoted as: A. u ~ N (0,0) B. X ~ N (μ, σ) C. X ~ N (μ, σ2) D. u ~ N (1,0) E. u ~ N (0,1) ----------------- Select:. E 7 t test role is: whether the random sampling error A. B. Inspection Inspection random sampling error is 0 C. The actual difference in probability when test samples is equal to the mean between 0 D. inspection system error is equal to the random sampling error E. test were actually caused by differences in the number of random probability sampling error size ------- ---------- Select:. E 8 obedience () distribution of A. t B. u C. normal D. F E. χ2 --------------- - Choose: A 9 randomized block design analysis of variance data, there must be () A. MS = MS treatment total area group B. MS + MS treatment C. ν processing> ν block error D. SS> SS. E. SS total = SS error handling + SS + SS error block 10. two sample comparisons were taken the following test standards to () Type II error taken maximum. A. α = 0.01 B. α = 0.05 C. α = 0.10 D. α = 0.20 E. α = 0.30 Chinese Medical University in July 2014 exam "Medical Statistics" short answer multiple choice questions test lesson subjective judgment fill in the blank questions Second title essay, short answer (of five questions, a total of 10 points) 1. standard error (formulas describe in words) 2. variation coefficient 3. median 4. paired design 5. correlation coefficient (Eq. please text description) China Medical University in July 2014 exam "Medical Statistics" short answer multiple choice questions test lesson mokka subjective judgment fill in the blank question three essay questions, determine the question (of 10 questions, 10 minutes) 1. calculate a In a place of breast cancer mortality, the denominator for the end of the year should be the year the number of the population. A. B. correct errors 2 degrees of freedom equal to fourfold table sample size n-1. A. B. correct errors 3. Χ2 distribution is a discrete distribution. A. B. correct errors 4. Grouped data when calculating the total rate or the average rate will be the sum or average rate in each group. A. B. correct errors 5. Describe a group variability skewed mokka distribution of information to the coefficient of variation mokka better. A. B. correct errors 6. Lognormal distribution is a right-skewed distribution. 7 A. B. Correct the error in the use of relatively few, easy mistake is to look at the constituent ratio as a ratio. A. B. correct this error mean comparison mokka t-test, mokka when the difference was statistically mokka significant, P smaller the more reason to believe that both mean the same overall. 9 A. B. Correct errors if the linear correlation coefficient r = 0, then there must be linear regression intercept equal to 0. A. 10 B. Correct the error in the two-sample test to compare the rates, χ2 null hypothesis is that the overall rate of two unequal. A. B. correct mokka errors in July 2014 China Medical Exam "Medical Statistics" class questions multiple choice test to determine title subjective fill in the blank short answer essay questions four, subjective fill in the blank (of eight questions, a total of 20 points.) 1 is meant to include a variety of physiological and biochemical constant human form, function and metabolism, such as the vast majority of normal mokka people. Because there are individual differences, biomedical data is not constant, but fluctuate within a certain range, it is adopted mokka as the determination of normal and abnormal reference mokka standards. Question 2. Mortality ratio only shows the number of deaths from a disease in the share of total deaths, such as the need to compare several died of disease severity, should be calculated. Question 3 tables from the Fisher exact test applies to fourfold table in theoretical frequency is less than, or n <situations. mokka Question mokka 4. Statistics figures expressed in Arabic numerals. No figures with "" indicates, missing figure with the "" indicates. . Question 5, please write three kinds of multiple samples are several methods of multiple comparisons:,,. . Question 6 comparative analysis of separate or discrete variables in multiple groups or classes mokka of statistical mokka indicators should be selected diagram; mokka frequency distribution of numerical variables described should use diagram; describes a statistic with another continuous mokka numeric variables change change The trend should use map. Question 7 also known as variable values. Type of statistical analysis and data selection methods are closely linked. Data types are divided into: and _. Question 8 for explaining the relationship between two variables associated with a linear direction. Correlation, regression analysis should draw _ former. Questions China Medical University in July 2014 exam "Medical Statistics" short answer multiple choice questions test lesson subjective judgment fill in the blank question five essay questions, essay questions (of four questions, a total of 50 points) 1. Please describe the experiment mokka The basic principles of design. 2 What is a non-parametric test? What Wilcoxon signed rank test for? 3 (calculation problems, you can directly write the result) of a Chest Hospital, while A and B two-determination Act 202 sputum samples of acid-fast bacilli, and some results with: are two methods for determining the number of positive 49; , two methods were negative number 107; A method as positive, negative number B France 25. (1) Keep the above information organized into a suitable form of fourfold table.
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