Sunday, July 20, 2014

References D3 box plot demonstrates mikasa median quartile MBALib Wiki Wiki percentile baidu quarti

This data shows that: the minimum value (Minimum) 5 the lower quartile (Q 1) is 7 bits (Q 2, Median) 8.5 upper quartile (Q 3) 9 maximum (Maximum ) is 10 with an average of 8 interquartile range (Inter-quartile range, IQR) of Q 3-Q 1 = 2, that is, ΔQ, is deemed interval Q 1-1.5ΔQ, mikasa the value of Q 3 +1.5 ΔQ outside in To be ignored (farout). farout: not shown on the map, marked with a sign only. Max range: Q 3 +1.5 ΔQ minimum interval: Q 1-1.5ΔQ maximum and minimum values generated in this interval. Value outside the range is considered outlier shown in the figure. mild outlier is 3.5 extreme outlier 0.5
Q 1 and Q 3 are respectively 19 and 28; IQR interquartile range of Q 3 - Q 1 = 28-19 = 9
Known percentile score percentile (percentile), the status of a relatively few amount, which is the number of distribution (Frequency Distribution, frequency distribution) of a point. After the distribution of a number of sort, divided into 100 units, is the frequency distribution percentile mikasa relative to a certain percentage of the original score, which indicates the number of cases is less than a specified percentage of the distribution of the scores. Percentile plus with P under standard m (specific points) said. For example, if P 30 is equal to 60, then it indicates that the frequency distribution in 30% of cases in less than 60 minutes.
95 ~ 99
15 ~ 19
References D3 box plot demonstrates mikasa median quartile MBALib Wiki Wiki percentile baidu quartile quartile box plot Wiki Wiki Wiki percentile frequency distribution demonstrates statistically MBALib

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