Friday, June 20, 2014

The next day, ELICA dinner, on their own to help her bathe find Ani, Ani is usually to call her now

The first day, riding leisure a motorcycle pulling leisure Pa, ELICA biking, from home, went to my aunt home. ELICA first "real" bike riding on the road, not only no tension, seem to have some excitement, leisure but added tyrants pull ELICA need pay attention to the situation along the way, the spirit of some tension. Safe arrival Highway, ELICA tyrants pull replaced bikes, ride to the MRT station just ELICA together, eating ice cream at McDonald let ELICA near the MRT station to play a bit, with great road ride back, in addition to the process Riding on the road, the need has been exhorted tyrants pull ELICA, aside ride outside, ELICA first road adventure be successful conclusion.
The next day, ELICA dinner, on their own to help her bathe find Ani, Ani is usually to call her now to ride a bicycle, but she asked to take a bath. Go a little early, but Saturday, ELICA can sleep later, ELICA Pa suddenly pull a little drink coffee, and decided to change the itinerary, to sit in Starbucks Carrefour, the process went fairly leisure smoothly, who knows just Carrefour bridge below, there is a fairly steep downhill road slogan Chi becomes green, ELICA a ride on the road, motorcycle parked on the sidewalk toward the Carrefour until hitting a motorcycle came to a halt. Did not fall, the momentum of the car, head a little hit, but fortunately wearing a helmet, so just hand to grasp the handle, a little red. Hit by a car, ELICA frightened, the first reaction of course crying, pulling Pa had consoled, biking is inherently so careful enough, leisure it does not matter. Originally thought ELICA take some time, will heal emotional shock, the result of a Starbucks, front and rear do not have three minutes, ELICA seems to put the whole thing just crashes to forget, very happy, excited to place a bottle of raspberry juice .
On the third day, with the previous day's lesson, ELICA tyrants choose another comparison did not pull on the downhill road riding, downhill very dangerous, uphill, too, because ELICA not ride up, it will "reverse chatter", mainly ELICA also not the hand brake, although tyrants pull her to practice, but one child was five years old, did not have enough strength to pull tight brake handle, ELICA best current brake is on her feet, hand brake, then, ELICA only with Meanwhile hands to pull tight side (Pa pulled her to practice hand brake, a hand is not, use two hands, be there to listen leisure to the words of tyrants pull strive to practice).
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