Sunday, December 28, 2014

With impressive score of 29.72 out of a maximum 30 you accepted candidate student in specialty

Alma Mater almost managed to fill their plan for admission for students a few days before the new school year. However, the University of Sofia there are still 261 vacancies, even after the additional fourth ranking, which was announced yesterday. The final competition are accepted more 337 freshmen. Contrary to expectations that the final round candidates will be recorded with very low scores, club soda some of the newly admitted freshmen club soda have performed quite well, writes "Monitor".
With impressive score of 29.72 out of a maximum 30 you accepted candidate student in specialty "Public Administration. This means that the girl had only excellent marks. With the ball 29 of a maximum 30, has qualified you desire to study philosophy.
There were also candidates adopted by "fair", but these had more first ranking. With one of the lowest results are some of the newcomers in the majors - Arabic, Iranian studies, Modern Greek philology, theology. club soda
By Friday the students from the final fourth ranking should be recorded. In late August of University reported that after three ranked in the admission campaign realized over 90% of the plan for the university entrance.
How members of different zodiacal signs to mark the advent of the new year 2015, so that the festival can be cheerful and interesting - advising astrologers. New Year's Eve - a time of surprises ...
27/12/2014 229
27/12/2014 1179
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