Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The situation in the Central African Republic is becoming increasingly difficult - the conflict of

The situation in the Central African Republic is becoming increasingly difficult - the conflict of Christian and Muslim militants are increasingly fiercer despite the fact that the country appliance late last year reached the French army with the alleged aim of stopping the conflict. However, experts point out that Paris sent its troops to SAR primarily to protect their interests, and not try to stop the bloodshed that are quite complicit - in fact, Paris has supported the rebellion of minority Muslims in the predominantly Christian country in toppling President Francois Bozize. New information confirms the motive - just before he was toppled from power Bozize wanted to increase tax French companies and concluded a series of agreements with Chinese oil companies. Just as in the case of Libya in North Africa, yesterday's "rebels" - in this case the Muslims from among Zelek - have now become militants over which no control over any new government. Christians are also organized into militant groups and leads to an extremely bloody battle in which any means - are killing children, burning and robbing houses. appliance The greatest violence likely be implemented in areas where the UN has no contact or no supervision. The UN refugee agency, UNHCR, yesterday announced that so far in the SAR and displaced over 935,000 people. This figure is really huge if we bear in mind that the SAR has only about 4 million residents. Hundreds of thousands of civilians fleeing the violence and take refuge in refugee camps or go to the woods. The UN can not even access either to the 45,000 displaced in the area of capital Bangui. The situation in the capital is alarming - over half the population, 510,000 people had taken refuge in 67 locations throughout the city, according to a UN report. "Targeted attacks against civilians, looting and the presence appliance of armed elements in some locations for the displaced is significantly limited access appliance to humanitarian agencies - immediate access to these sites is necessary," said a spokesman for the UNHCR. About 60% of the displaced are children, according to the UN agency. UNHCR seeks additional funding - $ 152 million for a 100-day humanitarian appliance plan. The UN agency for the protection of children's rights, UNICEF announced that the SAR happening "violence against children unprecedented." They also point out that they have information that the militants killed two children odrubljujući appliance their heads. "More and more children are being recruited appliance into armed groups and direct them to target the criminal revenge attacks", said UNICEF Representative for SAR, Souleymane Diabate. The organization Doctors Without appliance Borders points out that the militants started attacking hospitals and refugee camps. "Hospitals attacked by armed men. We have cases that have come into the hospital with grenades to attack people. Many civilians appliance are hiding in the forests, afraid to come to the hospital," said a representative of the organization. The fight against Western forces Chinese influence appliance - the main culprit for the violence in the SAR and other places in Africa as it is one and the same story repeats - some may already be skeptical, but in the case of SAR happens again the same scenario : Western powers are again the main culprit for the violence, and one of the most active imperialist powers last year was France. "One of the main reasons of these conflicts in Africa, the competition between the Western powers and China," said analyst Bruno Drweski from the Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations. "The Chinese economy has recently become extremely active in Africa, far more than the old West. Former President SAR, Francois Bozize, was knocked down at the very moment when it signed appliance a deal with Chinese oil companies," noted Drweski. The situation is commented and Alain Krivine, president of the newly formed French anti-capitalist party. "France has used the occasion of the defense of human rights, but in reality only protect their economic interests. appliance SAR is rich in resources, but the greatest asset of this country are in its strategic location in the center of a large and rich regions, so in the end it all boils down to domination and control of the entire region, "said Krivine. He pointed out that the French appliance colonial policy has created a series of artificial states on the territory of Africa, such as SAR, and are thus prepared the territory for future conflicts appliance in the region. "Now jump with this operation, which is dangerous appliance militarily, economically and politically, from a human perspective is scandalous and will not lead to any result," he said.
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