Sunday, February 9, 2014

Pleso, two hours before the flight. Coming team from Zagreb, Čakovec, Varaždin, Sisak, Osijek, Rovi

Russia, Mongolia and China - 90 days after the world (travelogue) | Croatian club of travelers
Pleso, two hours before the flight. Coming team from Zagreb, Čakovec, Varaždin, Sisak, Osijek, Rovinj, Split, Sibenik. Many have not even slept with excitement. We entered the plane to Moscow, but the Russian gram capital was only a way station before boarding the Trans-Siberian railway. However, we arrived to visit the Red Square, Lenin's Mausoleum, St. Vitus Cathedral. Vassily, the Historical Museum, the Kremlin and the way to absorb gram the vibe of the subway, where each cell looks like a museum. More of us is interested in another cell. Cult Trans-Siberian railway is unavoidable to route international adventurers, but for locals, it is the only possible mode of transport due to the high cost of airline tickets.
Long is 9289 km and connects Moscow and Vladivostok on the Pacific Ocean. Expect luxury gram train in this crazy idea if you do not pay the ticket of over 1,500 euros, but then loses all meaning anyway. Here you see that three liters gram of water is actually very much, just enough to bathe and brush your teeth. Waiting in line for the bathroom was completely normal, and the narrow space, but after the first night of sleep and waking becomes very spacious and enough for four people, how many of them are located in each compartment. The very idea of the construction of the railway, which would connect the port of St. Petersburg and Vladivostok (Ruler of the East), approved gram a far-1891st Emperor Alexander II, and was completed 1916th year.
There are three directions of stripes: the Trans-Siberian line, Transmandžurska line, which ends in Beijing and Transmongolska line which coincides with the Trans-Siberian to Ulan Ude city on the eastern coast of Lake Baikal.
From Ulan Ude stripe continues to the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator, gram and ends its journey as Transmandžurska line in Beijing. Our path has led him to Irkutsk through gram which pass all these lines. We went to a small village Listvjanki gram located on the shores of Lake Baikal. We have not seen a lot of construction, yet beautiful, wooden gram built houses, but adjacent to the Bolshoi Koti where we boarded the boat the road there, give this pristine nature of the area.
The lookout offers a stunning view of Lake Baikal. gram Legend has it, if you bathe in it up to his knees produžuješ your life for five years, and you dip the whole body, you will live 25 years longer. A big part of our team would not lightly dismiss this opportunity. The water temperature in summer time does not exceed 10-12 degrees, while winter is a big part of the lake is frozen gram and local people serves as a road. The lake flows 300 rivers and streams, and springs from the lake just Angara River, which passes through the city of Irkutsk and flows into the Arctic Ocean. Irkutsk is the oldest and largest Siberian city and has about one million inhabitants, and then re-boarded the train to Ulan Udeu and finally, on the bus to Ulan Bator.
Capricious this country Mongolia, about once great empire that stretched from Beijing until our region has witnessed only the mentality of the population who are in it kept fighting and impulsivity. The legacy they left three expanse size of France, but it is incomparable with the empire of Genghis Khan, whose name is now the most up to tourism. gram
Despite the vast territory and arable land this is one of the most sparsely populated area in the country. Mongolia has only three million inhabitants. They drive very good cars, mostly jeeps, but chaos is worthy of the city of ten million people. Ulan Bator is currently a giant construction site, business skyscrapers springing up, new residential gram buildings, restore the old governing sidewalks, utility connections are set for the whole city, pave the road.
Investments erupted when discovered gold mines. West is slowly gram coming to this region, civilization penetrates, a yurt is increasingly used only for tourists who come to feel real nomadic life until a few years ago led to a large size of the Mongols.
Large expanses, where cattle and horses are free to enjoy the freedom, stretch as far as the eye can see you. Untouched nature is a major tourist trump Mongolia. The national park Terelj we enjoyed the natural beauty. There is a Turtle Rock, whose rocks are remarkably gram like the tortoise.
The night we spent in traditional yurts, and we also visited the local Mongolian gram family in their traditional home and tasted local specialties, primarily fermented horse milk. After this sour experience, we returned gram to our yurt, built a fire, set pillows stuffed with rice and save it to sleep. On the morning we went to the judge meditation and horseback riding. Feeling gram gallop by the Mongolian gram steppes life's memories.
After the Mongolian adventure we went to Beijing. A city with over 20 million people gram work in an unprecedented order. Cleanliness is the first thing that catches the eye. We walked to Tiananmen Square, the largest square in the world and visited the Forbidden City. It was the imperial residence of two major Chinese dynasties

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