Saturday, February 15, 2014

Even in October last year, Beijing released a report stating that the members of the two separatist

Even in October last year, Beijing released a report stating that the members of the two separatist groups presi from among the Uighur minority from the Xinjiang province fighting for the Syrian rebels as foreign presi mercenaries. It is the groups' Islamist movement eastern Turkestan (East Turkestan Islamic Movement / ETIM), which has the aim of creating an Islamic republic on the territory of the Chinese province of Xinjiang and the 'Association for Solidarity and education of East Turkestan' (East Turkistan Education and Solidarity Association / ętes) that as the political wing lies and operates from exile in Turkey. Chinese authorities group ETIM and ętes considered terrorist groups ideologically sympathetic to Al-Qaeda and as such are outside the law. In late June riots in which several hundred Uighurs attacked a police station in Haneriku, near heitan in the northwest of China, killed 35 people, over 50 were seriously injured and 200 were arrested. The attack came after the detention of a young local imams and closing his mosque. Chinese authorities presi characterize the attack as a terrorist act, and the tensions and possible unrest on the anniversary of the riots in Xinjiang, namely 5th srpnja 2009th in the city of Urumqi in riots killed about 200 people across the province arranged a strong military and police snage.Urumqi 29/06/2013. - Chinese security forces in the capital of the province of Xinjiang 'Reinforce all security measures to monitor and eradicate terrorist groups and esktremističke organizations that are active in the province of Xinjiang', Xinhua presi News Agency said Yu Zheng Sheng, a member of the Politburo of the CCP. Returnees from Syria responsible for the escalation of violence in Xinjiang Tensions between presi H. .. Continue reading, please subscribe.
In whose name Abbas called NATO troops in the Palestinian territories and the Israeli army extends stay from three to five years? Disbelief in the diaspora, Gaza Strip and among the former leaders of the PLO and the planned Israeli Minister of Yigao Allon in 1967. year, which is in the Knesset in 1977. announced by then Prime Minister Menachem Begin, is that the Arab residents of Judea, Samaria id attacks with consequences: Will Volgograd presi become the "Stalingrad" of Saudi Arabia? After the Russian security services have identified suicide bombers responsible for two terrorist presi attacks in Volgograd, which killed 34 people, the National protuteroristič End Erdogan's neo-Ottoman project - President Abdullah Gül, aware of the danger for the country, presi seeking to resolve the Syrian crisis in agreement presi with Moscow and Tehran Until the political rise of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), Turkey has over 80 years has been a country that has almost completely turned its back on the Middle East, Arab and Islamic country while Obama their theories about "American exceptionalism" again underestimated Tehran, Iran moving in an unstoppable economic offensive in late November presi when the 2013th Geneva reached a historic agreement between world powers presi and Iran over Iran's nuclear program presi and almost all of the world's analysts have agreed to the U.S. and Syria still threatens attack, Russia and China corresponding to the strengthening of the military presence in the Eastern Mediterranean presi Negotiations Geneva II where on the Syrian crisis talks in the Swiss town of Montreux was marked by accusations and completely inappropriate comments by U.S. Visegrad countries and the Polish role in the destabilization of Ukraine in Warsaw for years promoting separatism crisis in Ukraine has been going on for two months and at this point no one certainly can not argue what will be its the ultimate outcome. It is quite clear that the United States and the European Great analysis of the situation in Libya: Green resistance is a reality, presi not a "tribal conflict" - the country is a war between the pro-Western regime and the Libyans presi loyal to the late President Gaddafi in Libya for more than two weeks last furious clashes between forces loyal to the late President Muammar presi Gaddafi and members of the security forces under the command of pro-Western governments in the analysis: presi the escalation of extremism in Ukraine and the growing threat of fascist revolution situation in Ukraine is quite complicated these days. Several important trends should already presi pointed out in the beginning. Firstly, the argument can not easily verifiable West, especial Israel withdraws from the Golan elite "6th Ga'ash presi Division" - Analysis: I accept Tel Aviv authorities in Damascus as a "lesser evil of extremists"? Conference on Syria in Geneva II is underway and no one can say what would be the results could achieve, given the irreconcilable positions of both sides, but the absence of Iran and the Strategic Alliance France, Israel presi and Saudi Arabia Middle East away from the long-awaited peace - Hollande: "If necessary we can attack Syria and alone" in Paris in the last week held two important events. 12th January, he held a meeting of foreign ministers of member of the group "Friends of Syria", ministers your analysis: after the conflict in the MB Cairo turns against Hamas with increased

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