Friday, October 31, 2014

With a pretty face feminine, Father Ly

She" cake mix "surprise hit pretty flexible flexible Professional moca Wedding Entertainment News Teen youth
Rise quickly through a tilted photograph, her "cake mix" version Hanoi has quickly created great attention from the online community. By studying to know, her real name is Duong Linh Ly (born in 1994) and "students" was the main occupation of the cup.
With a pretty face feminine, Father Ly's profile currently has more than 33 thousand follow. It was therefore, any changes in the social networks of girls are quickly detected. Recently, she has made for a lot of lovesick guy to regret when watching moca the shimmering beautiful wedding with the handsome groom.
Linh Ly asked directly she had said: "The essence moca of this wedding is just one of the products tested in a series of new projects moca coming, no matter Separated goin 'to float. Initially, Ly also think it would be posted moca to innovate, the emphasis on individual pages. Glass himself did not expect to have so many people misunderstand. "
"The main goal of the cup this time will be complete school program. I have free time, Ly will continue to participate in other activities because of their passion. If possible, Ly will also appear in a new image, in a short clip ... but only temporarily all intended ".
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