Thursday, October 2, 2014

But because this tension, this impulse to the challenge of all for everything? I think basically be

A matter of life or death | libertariaNation
In the state of Italian politics in general and the victory in the general elections are considered a matter of life or death for her part and for the fate of the state in general. Sure enough juicer reviews it starts to elections with the spirit of the gunfight juicer reviews at the OK Corral and both politicians and voters use words of fire and apocalyptic images of the other party in the event of victory. I've always found this bizarre approach and do not consider it proper healthy. With twenty years of Berlusconi this trend has greatly strengthened because the figure of Berlusconi Polarized Italian politics.
But because this tension, this impulse to the challenge of all for everything? I think basically because in Italy the state, the politicians and the state apparatus, it is an extremely powerful entity, that is directly or indirectly present in the lives of citizens through the well-known state method, that is coercion. Many do not realize it, but the Italian state enters heavily into the lives of residents in Italy through a tax burden that has no equal in Europe and the world, through juicer reviews the direct and indirect juicer reviews control of very broad sectors of the economy, through a legislative apparatus schizophrenic, and so on. All this amount of power is handled by a multitude juicer reviews of political and parapolitici that they charge (assigning) very handsomely, and that through their distinction are the good and bad times against very broad layers of the population. Just think of the patronage system and the parasite present in the South do (welfarism) ut des (vote). Thus, the combination juicer reviews of political discretion over huge amounts juicer reviews of money extorted by taxation more moral hazard of politicians and indifferent regardless of the damage to future generations caused the biblical Italian debt crisis. That is, politicians who parasitically hannno spanto for decades and spent all of the money of those who had no more Italian and international markets now think that the Italian state is no longer able to repay their debts.
With the end (?) Began the criticism of Berlusconi the Italian electorate by left-wing intellectuals who basically say that Italians were scemotti to have voted for Berlusconi and that we should question the right to vote (here and here) . The implication is clear: "we are right, you are wrong." The mindset of knowing what is best for another is to cross from right to left and is one of the key points that distinguishes the libertarian political philosophy from the right and from the left. As David Boaz wrote:
The No. 1 way liberals juicer reviews and conservatives juicer reviews are alike: Both think they can run your life better than you. Liberals juicer reviews want to raise taxes Because they can spend your money better than you can. They do not believe in school choice Because You're not capable of choosing a school for your childreen. They think they can handle your healthcare, your retirement, and your Charitable Contributions better than you can. Conservatives want to censor cable television Because you're too dumb to decide what your family Should watch. They want to ban drugs, pornography, gambling, and gay marriage Because You just do not know what's good for you.
If you do not abandon the principle of "common good" (which is just right for every system on the assumption juicer reviews of a transcendent roots of human nature) in favor of the utilitarian "greatest happiness for the greatest number of individuals" (Bentham) - that is, if you do not replace the category of 'good' that of '' useful '- not if it comes out. Why a democracy functions is not necessary juicer reviews that the elect are morally unobjectionable, indeed, this may even be a danger to democracy itself: it is necessary that they be able to build the business because they create conditions of '' useful 'for the greater number of individuals. juicer reviews We do not need an enlightened monarch or an oligarchy of beautiful souls, juicer reviews but of a liberal democracy that money on a few rules, but severe, all summed up in one: you may not impose on others what you think is "good" for you. Antidote juicer reviews to the "peggiocrazia," but also the temptation of a solution aristocratic.
Malvino is a Bentham, ie a utilitarian. For goodness sake, there's a lot worse in the world and I will not go on the philosophical implications juicer reviews of utilitarianism dangerous but I do not recognize myself juicer reviews in this and it seems to me that Malvino does not grasp the point. That is, it is preferable to chasing profit from or instead leave to individuals the right to seek happiness for its own account, the profit, the better, and so on? I see that the endless juicer reviews networks of individuals ch

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